Responsive grid system

6 columns (list)

Grid is limited to 6 columns. More columns could be achieved using nesting.

6 columns (div)


6 columns with gutter

6 to 1

6 to 1 with gutter

6 columns responsive


Note: Setting data-columns to 0, md0, sm0 or xs0 will hide the column for that breakpoint.

column span (how many data-columns an element should span across)

Example 1: 6 colums, 1 for each side panel and 4 for content.

Example 2: 3 colums for content and a side menu of 2 columns

Nested grids

Nested grids will be useful in case you need to split content inside a data-column.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Nested responsive grids

Same code as before, this time responsive:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

column offset (move columns to the right)

Example: Centered content effect uisng column offset.

Responsive column offset